Sunday, March 31, 2013

Let's shake some dust, children!

I have a love hate relationship with carnivals and sideshows. The nomadic lifestyle and ornate costumes   draws me in; it's as if every day is an adventure. However, the well being of both creatures and humans always makes me think twice about becoming the bearded lady. This aside, I love old photographs of these talented and complex characters. I've included a few from Coney Island, although I really do think that it deserves a post of its own. 

Noteworthy TV and Movies: Carnevale, Freaks (1930's), Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
Books: Geek Love, Monsters of the Gilded Age

Friday, March 22, 2013

We all go a little mad sometimes.

I grew up watching horror movies. In fact, my first injury involving stitches as a child had to do with the terrifying sight of Chucky (I'm still a bit suspicious of dolls, their creepy glistening eyes make them seem somehow alive ::shutter::). His cackling laugh, so frightening to me, sent me running down the hallway, resulting in me somehow cutting my hand. 

This took place during the summer, and I had to spend most of it with my hand inside a plastic bag, enabling me to swim in the pool with my cousins and not feel left out.

Setting those dramatic memories aside, the summer always puts me in the mood for a good horror flick, and Alfred Hitchcock's Projects are the perfect way to satiate the need for a good scream.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't f*#% em!


This is why we can't have nice things

I came across this amazing jewelry designer last night while searching for a ceramic doll hand necklace (what?) and I want everything on his website. If I could trip over a few thousand dollars I'd be set.

Andres Gallardo

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Great and Powerful Exene Cervenka

My musical obsessions have a tendency to ebb and flow, but X has been a constant. We've been through many a sordid (and joyus!)  experience and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Billy Zoom, John Doe and DJ Bonebreak are incredible musicians, but Exene has always been a hero of sorts to me, mainly because she stands out as a serious writer and contemplative thinker (who isn't? But still...)I loved her style, seemingly effortless and thoughtful, as well as her contributions lyrically to create music that exposes the frailty of the human condition.