Saturday, December 28, 2013

Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences

The newly released book of Sylvia Plath's pen and ink illustrations is a sight to behold. Her unassuming depictions are as veracious as her writing and yet still, She leaves some room to read (or observe, as it will) in between the lines. I'm not one to superimpose what I believe she was going for, if she was going for anything at all, but I can say that I look for calm in the smallest details of life and I find that desperately sought refuge in her art.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm a cliche, you've seen before

I'd decided at 19 that I was ready for my first ( and only) tattoo. I was working as a seamstress and had some spare cash, and spent what I thought was a good amount of time to mull it over. I had wanted one since I was fifteen, so I was prepared for the finality of a tattoo and ignored the fact that my interests changed so much so that even I couldn't have kept up with them.

Needless to say, I hate it now. I've been gun shy about the whole ordeal and obsessively look up new ideas for cover-ups everyday. Some ideas have stayed with me for a few years, but my current job leaves more to be desired in the cash department but that's probably a good thing; less money requires  thoughtful consideration. Lately, thoughtful consideration equals dreams of being covered in Fantin-Latour's flower paintings.