Saturday, December 7, 2013

I'm a cliche, you've seen before

I'd decided at 19 that I was ready for my first ( and only) tattoo. I was working as a seamstress and had some spare cash, and spent what I thought was a good amount of time to mull it over. I had wanted one since I was fifteen, so I was prepared for the finality of a tattoo and ignored the fact that my interests changed so much so that even I couldn't have kept up with them.

Needless to say, I hate it now. I've been gun shy about the whole ordeal and obsessively look up new ideas for cover-ups everyday. Some ideas have stayed with me for a few years, but my current job leaves more to be desired in the cash department but that's probably a good thing; less money requires  thoughtful consideration. Lately, thoughtful consideration equals dreams of being covered in Fantin-Latour's flower paintings.

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